Daniela Panfili


I was born under the Pisces sign with a huge curiosity about the world and a lot of unanswered questions.

I have been exploring life and what surrounds me through different approaches and practice always searching for the thin thread that connects with one another.

A quest that has led me to encounter the power of nature, the myths and the archetypes that live and surround us. 

I read the organic world through the scientific view and also in relation to the old legends and traditions that connect our soul to the earth’s time and to nature.

For a long time I have been analysing single frames from the world with macro attention on our perceptions, how we feel the space. An exploration that also included questioning gender as part of the process of perception/interaction with the world.

Thanks to the Experience Design, I have added another layer to my search, going deep in listening and understanding people’s needs, learning how to keep a red line of meaning between story and product.

In the last ten years, I turned my attention from the perceptions to the space itself and the frontiers between human and nature. I gave more and more space to my obsession for what remains of wildness. 

I walk as often as I can sketching, taking pictures of just observing and learning the forest’s language.

I’m not interested in the perfect picture, nor in the realistic painting, but in the feeling of the landscape, in the emotional response that a place inspires.

I’m looking for the bond that connects humans to nature.

I’m visually influenced by the traditional north’s landscape painting, Constable, Tuner, the Flemish painters and I have a special love for the Shanshui.