Daniela Panfili


A forest is an inexhaustible source of adventure and wonder, especially when it is a peri-urban forest. How many trees, plants, animals, and birds can exist so close to a big city? How much richness there is inside.

We go there for the silence, but we find ourselves surrounded by sounds. The forest talks.

This series began after a huge storm caused the fall of many old-growth trees. It is possible to look closely at these giants, now lying on the ground. Realising how vulnerable they are, and at the same time, so much dignity and sensuality they have, almost like Venus from ancient paintings.

The decision of using a larger film format allows to bring out more details. 

The photos create a path through different environments: the orderly and majestic ones, the water, naked trees in the winter, the green canopy of summer, and my favourite, the chaotic bush where the trees are so dense that shadows hide mysteries. The forest’s spell.