Daniela Panfili


“We want many things, we want more. And fast.

We look for awesome paradises, for the next job, the next night-out, the next… Shadows of something that is not there.

Magic is there, everywhere we live and go. Time is the key to catching it.”


Yawaraf is a journey in an invisible land, made by overlapping memories of places. 

I’m hungry for emptiness and silence, they drive me to the innermost place, the shelter of my soul. 

I often crossed borders escaping from humans, looking for the last wild lands… the magic of a light on the horizon. The more I was able to enjoy the stillness, the more I was able to find it close by. I discovered the magic just around the corner.

During this journey, I realised that I shared my need with others, day by day, more.

What was my journey became a common journey. 

There is a beginning, but not an end.

Once we pass the lighthouse, the last human outpost, the stillness enriches our perceptions and the intimate connection with nature nourishes us.

All the moments of this journey are collected in a book.On the back of the cover, I printed the image of the invisible land.